Within Tsūru City, Star Legion emerges as the architect of cosmic ambitions. Hailed as the "Augment Elon" of the Toolheads age, he is the benchmark of humanity's ceaseless urge to transcend earthly chains and venture into the vastness of space.
The Vaults hold a particular significance for Star Legion. Many Toolhead's perceive the Vault as a haven to store valuable assets or to protect from threats. For Legion, the Vaults are the blueprint for his interstellar dreams with the advanced technology and resources contained within them, invaluable to his research
Before Atomgard's dark shadow loomed large, Star Legion was a luminous beacon of progress. His genius propelled humanity beyond the stars, birthed the marvel of warp-speed traversal, and carved mankind's mark on uncharted celestial bodies. To Tsūru City, he was not just an innovator; he was the herald of a future among the stars.
Yet, the cataclysm of Atomgard tainted him, not in reputation, but in essence. The radioactive fallout, intertwining with his sophisticated cybernetics, revealed a latent schism within his very soul.
While Terraformers view him as a beacon of hope, whispers of uncertainty ripple through Tsūru City. Beneath the facade of Star Legion's spacefaring aspirations, a dissonance brews. The media speculate a potential shift, a dichotomy in intent.
However, as the whispers of his duality grow, so does the speculations about his interest in the Vaults. Is it purely scientific, or was there a darker intention waiting to be unveiled? Only time would reveal the true depth of Star Legion's relationship within the Vault.